Where did Mark Twain write about St. Peter and the pearly gates?


On the Internet, one story attributed to Mark Twain about a dialog with St. Peter about greatness appears to Strengthbuilders 2.0 - but with no citation. It is not verifiable. Another occurrence about what you can say or can't say to St. Peter is cited in the Gutenberg Project in a biography about Mark Twain entitled Mark Twain, A Biography, Vol. 3, Part 2, 1907-1910: The Personal And Literary Life Of Samuel Langhorne Clemens by Albert Bigelow Paine. It is frequently cited for the following quote on dogs: Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit you would stay out and the dog would go in. A third occurrence about speaking German to St. Peter is attributed to Mark Twain's Speeches, 1923, but there is no further verification for this work.


  • Last Updated Nov 09, 2015
  • Views 1651
  • Answered By Andrew Pearson

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