How can I learn about historic athletics at Bridgewater College?
Information about Bridgewater College Athletics can be found in the following places:
- A great overview of BC Athletics from 1880 to 1980 appears in the Bridgewater College history book, Bridgewater College, The First Hundred Years: 1880 - 1980 by Francis F. Wayland. It is digitized here: and available in print both in the general Forrer Learning Commons reference collection and in Special Collections by appointment. Chapters of the book are generally arranged by the terms of the BC Presidents.
- Athletic teams were featured each year in the Ripples yearbook (1922- 2016)
- Some photographs of athletic teams can be found in the BC Digital Commons:
- More information on athletics can be found by researching student newspapers and the Bridgewater Magazine available by appointment in the Wampler Reading Room. Special Collections also has media guides and limited files available for some teams for some years.
- Bridgewater College has a Department of Athletic Media Relations:
- The online BC Athletics Hall of Fame is found here:
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