Do you have materials on Elder John Kline?


The Reuel B. Pritchett Museum Collection and Special Collections preserve books and artifacts owned by Elder Kline or associated with him.  Here are catalog records of some examples:

Books about John Kline and other Brethren peace workers are available in the Special Collections reference library.

  • A primary source showing the Church of the Brethren's response to the Civil War is the historic monthly publication, The Gospel Visitor.  Copies are digitized here by year:
  • Original letters from John Kline were printed in this periodical as well as responses to his death.
  • Finally, the Special Collections holds materials from a regional John Kline symposium and keeps an Elder John Kline topical file.
  • Last Updated Jan 13, 2021
  • Views 34
  • Answered By Stephanie Gardner

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